Understanding the Common Signs of Autism

The common signs of autism begin early in childhood, and start before the age of 3 years old.

Even though each toddler might exhibit several signs, you will find that there are three areas of development that exhibit consistent patterns of behavior; dialect, conduct, and social face to face time.

If your baby has trouble with:

  • looking you in the eye,
  • does not react to their name,
  • or even appears like they do not hear you,  this can be a tell tale sign that something is wrong.

If they begin talking later than they should, are unaware of how their actions effect others, or even seem like they do not care, these are also signs that should be looked into.
While the signs of autism can be varied and complex, it is beneficial to understand and recognize the symptoms.

Some other indications of a mental imbalance to look out for are :

  • repeated movements like turning around,
  • shaking back and forth, or
  • other repetitive  movements.

common signs of autismIf your baby has sensitivity to sounds, lights, or touch but seems otherwise oblivious to pain, like not becoming alarmed once they touch something hot, this really is a sign to watch out for.

Any of these signs of autism may appear as severe or can be relatively mild in nature. However, it is always recommended to be on the safe side and get your child tested by a medical professional as soon as possible, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Just as there are numerous signs of autism, there are lots of ways it is possible to aid your autistic infant and help them cope with everyday life. You as a parent, need to become educated in all the nuances of coping with an autistic child.

Praise them often, it reinforces great behavior. Teach them tasks by doing it with them, showing them how, even if it’s something as mundane as brushing their teeth or eating food using a knife and fork.

As they get older, use visual reminders to aid them to remain focused on the task at hand. The disorder itself is incredibly complex. But it is critical that they become knowledgeable about everyday situations, especially common ones like eating and interacting with you as a parent.

More information on the First signs of Autism in Toddlers

Autism Treatment in Toddlers

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